Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Benefits of Email Marketing

Choosing the best ways of marketing your products and services in the market through email marketing is a tough job any one could do but the best ones would still be on the list. Every post or every article that is written on email marketing has brought out reasons as to why people should focus on the concept of email marketing. And no matter what it is email marketing is said to be in complete without online marketing with the exact email addresses of the clients and customers. Email appending will help you gain the missing email addresses of the individuals missing in the database. Below given are some of the benefits has gained in the concept of email marketing.
  • Increases your sales in every email marketing campaign: The actual purpose of email marketing is to increase the sales bringing back some good results. People bring out products in the market because they need to sell them to others and not keeping it with them selves. Email marketing in the same way is the marketing of your products and services so that people reach them at a great ease. The marketing and branding of your product is said good only if it is heard more than seven times. So send emails to all your customers so that they remember the name immediately once they see your name in the market.
  • Continue with the Same Business: For a business to gain some good results its always safe for a person to to continue with the clients he already has. Looking out for new clients would never give you any sort of an advantage especially when it comes to sales and revenue. So make sure that you send your customers the newsletters on frequent basis so that they remain to be in touch and they become familiar with your services.

  • Increase the value of your orders: Email marketing is such a great tool that with the help of it you can easily increase the orders of your marketing campaign. The more you do the more good would be the responses of your clients and customers. For example if you are a designer and your client asks you to design a logo for your website then it would be said to be good if you ask them whether they need a 3D effect too. So in simple words the more big you gain the order the more big would be the responses of your customers.
  • Increase offline sales: Bring out methods that would help you gain some great responses and sales in the organization. People look out for products online and then buy out the products and services. And the internet users use this for some or the other purposes. So market your products in all the best ways that you can.
These were some of the benefits of email marketing. What are the benefits you think one can gain through email marketing.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Email Marketing In 2013

As the year 2012 comes to an end marketers have found out different strategies that would help them gain some good results. And as email marketing is said to be the best ways of getting in touch with all the clients and customers here are some of the changes that Google leads us to for the year 2013. But always make sure that you have an updated email addresses of all your clients and customers, and if the email addresses have been missing from your database email append services would be of a great help. Email appending would help you gain the missing email addresses of the individuals in the database. Keeping the importance of email marketing in mind given below are some of the great techniques on could use for a better email marketing campaign in 2013.
  • Change of the content that you have written: Content is said to be the king of each and every activity that you do. But when it comes to email marketing campaign content is said to be the most time consuming activity of gaining some good results. Content when it comes to email marketing has to be fresh, unique and something that is easily understood by the readers. The more fresh would be your content the more appealing would it be to your marketing audience. But before you begin writing a content for your marketing audience make sure you are aware of certain things like why are you writing, for whom are you writing and what are the things that should be written.
  • Check the Inbox Placement Rate: This is one of the most important thing that the marketers dealing with email marketing need to remember. The inbox placement rate for the ones who might not be aware of is a kind of activity where you measure the number of emails sent to reach out a particular inbox. The more good would be the placement rate the more good would be the clicks rate and the more good would be your click rate the more good would be your email marketing results.

  • The Use Age of Mobile Phones for Email Marketing: Mobile Email Marketing Have gained a huge attention of the audience in the market. And the usage of emails through smart phones and tabs have increased with 80% on daily basis. Keeping these points in mind get out a content that is easily attracted by your audience keeping it mobile friendly.
  • Subject Line: The subject line of the email is the most important part of the marketing campaign. The subject line will help you attract the attention of the market audience so make it simple, sweet and understandable. Create the subject line that would would create a kind of urgency to your market audience immediately when they see it.
These were some of the strategies you could use in the process of email marketing. What according to you are the strategies that one could use for an email marketing campaign. Do share your comments below.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Best Email Marketing Practices of 2012

Email marketing being the best tool of all the businesses today would help you get your customers back and would help you get in touch with more number of people online. Its just that you need to have a good strategy in every marketing activity you are doing. And if you are a seasoned email marketer and have just started with your email marketing campaign and these email marketing practices would help you gain the best results through every email marketing practices of yours. But make sure that you have the exact email addresses of your clients and customers. And if you do not have the matching email addresses email appending would be of a great help. Email append would help you gain the missing email addresses of the individuals missing from your database. Given below are some of the best email marketing practices followed in the year 2012.
  • Have your campaigns done in a timely and relevant manner: Before you begin with the email marketing campaign make sure that you have a clear strategy of what ever you are doing. Your content has to be relevant and valuable enough to your subscribers, providing them something that unique and something that is different from the others. Also make sure that you send emails to your customers on regular basis so that they are aware of when they would be receiving the next email from your side.
  • Make it easy for the others to sign up: Make it easy for the others to subscribe to your mailing list. In other words just ask them for their name and email addresses . Apart from making them sign up at the website provide them with the other way where they could easily sign up for example it could be the place where you purchased an item, sign up and online in store.
  • Personalize each and every email that you send: Many email marketers today while dealing with the concept of email marketing can help you improving the click rates bringing back some great responses. You could also add information like gender, purchase reference, location and the other required details that could be used to get the required information from your market audience.
  • Track Every Email Marketing activity that you do: Use some email marketing service providers that would help you track every email that you send to your clients and customers. All this would help you improve your each and every email marketing campaign making you gain some better responses.
Email Marketing is the best field where you could not just get in touch with the customers you already have, but would also help you gain some great customers online. Following these tips you would not just build up your brand in a great way but would also help you keep your customers engaged online.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Ways of Integrating Email Marketing And Social Media Together

All of us are definitely aware of what email marketing is all about. So before we move ahead with the concept of integrating email marketing and social media, it is very important that we understand the meaning and difference between social media and social connection. Social media is a kind of options that all the marketers and the business men use to share a specific content or an email. And social connection is something where we ask our friends or subscribers to like our face book page, or requesting them to follow you on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube or the other networking sites. Given below are the ways of integrating email marketing with social media. Its just that for the email marketing to take place you need to have the correct email addresses of all your clients and customers and in case of the email addresses being missed email appending would be of a great help.Email Appends would help you get the exact email addresses of all the clients and customers missing from your database.
  • Have Social Media Icons in Every Email That You Send to Your Clients And Customers: It is very important that you have a social media icon included in every mail that you send to your clients and customers. The reason of doing this is that the customers would not have any difficulty in finding you and your products and services. Be proud of each and every activity you are doing and make sure you say it aloud.
  • Request Your clients and customers to Subscribe and Connect: Just having Social Media included in the mails that you send your job does not end here.There are many readers or subscribers who might not know what to do in the mail that you have sent. Don't not feel shy to tell the your market audience what you wanted to say.
  • Have A dedicated Email Sent to Your Clients and Customers: There have been times when you ask your clients and customers to subscribe to your services by providing them with some links but it has not been clear. And if you are not having any success in the activities that you are doing try adopting methods and send emails that is dedicated to a particular social networking site. Example Copy Blogger.
  • Provide Incentives to your Clients and Customers: if you need some one to subscribe to your services using social networking sites then provide them with a incentive and tell them what is there for them and what benefit they could gain from them.. So check out things that has led to some kind of benefit for the others and see where you can apply them and in what way.
  • Have Re tweet this message in the mail that you send: Another Great way to get a better response in email marketing is through asking your subscribers to re tweet every email marketing campaign that you send. Provide a reason for your subscribers to adopt to your mailing list which would not just increase your opportunities but would also bring you some great responses.
  • Promote your Email Marketing Campaigns on Every Blog You Have: Promoting your blog will help you have some great subscribers to each and every activity you are doing. Doing this would help you gain some great responses in every activity you are doing.
Here are the ways where you could integrate email marketing with the social media. So common and lets begin to use email marketing with social media and social media with email marketing.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tips to Increase Your Clicks Through Email

Email marketing when it comes to businesses today is said to be a routine activity compared to the other activities we do in our daily lives. But yet email marketing is email marketing. It continues to remain as the most important communication tool to reach out the market audience. But the most important thing that matters here is getting the right audience for all the activities you do related to your products and services. The more better you do the more better would be your responses. Given here are some of the important tips of email marketing that would help you get the clicks of your readers immediately once they see it.
  • Subject Line of your Email: The first and the foremost thing that every reader would see when you send an email to them is the subject line of your email. And when it comes to subject line of the email it makes a lot of difference when an email is being read, when an email is being deleted, when an email is opened and the last but not the least when it is not even looked at. So make sure that the email you send has a subject line has a good and attractive subject line. Something that is direct to the point so that the readers would know what the email is all about.
  • The Content That You Send: Content is said to be the king for every business activity you do no matter whether you deal with marketing or whether you are dealing with sales. When an email is sent to the customers the average time that a reader would spend is 2 minutes to just know what is being said in the email. So make sure that your body covers the most important part of your information giving the readers what ever they need based on their needs and requirements.

  • Do not Over Load your Email: Make sure that while you are sending an email you do not stuff it with the content. Add information that would attract your clients immediately once they read your mail bringing back some great responses. So just give your clients what they need and have been looking out here and there.
  • Know Which is the Right Time to Send an Email: It is very important that you know when to send a mail to your clients and customers and when not. So have a agenda set so that you would know what are the goals you are trying to achieve. Depending on the offer you have for your clients and customers create a schedule that would help you decide when to send an email and when not to send.
Email marketing is the center tool of all the business activities that you do. Its just that you need to have the right email addresses of all your clients and customers. In case of the email addresses being missed email appending would be of a great help. list of email appending would provide the missing email addresses of all your clients and customers that were missing from the database. So what are your tips to increase the click rates. Share your views with us.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Email Marketing Copy Writing Mistakes One Needs To Avoid:

Email Marketing as we all know is a kind of communication done with your clients and customers through emails. Business owners when it comes to email marketing are more worried about getting some great clients at a reasonable cost. And because they focus their attention in getting some great clients for their email marketing campaign they tend to do copy write mistakes that would not just break the message you are trying to send but would also bring you some worst email marketing results and responses. Copy is said to be the foundation of every email that you send to your clients and customers. The following are the ten important mistakes one needs to avoid while they are dealing with the concept of email marketing.
  • The Name you are using are confusing: When you send an email to your clients and customers the very first thing that they see is the name through which an email is sent. And if the email is from the person whom they are not familiar with then they would just prefer putting your mail in the spam folder than reading it and knowing what the mail is about. So always make sure that you send an email that is sent to your clients is from a companies email id or with a combination of company name and email address.
  • The Subject Line is not interesting: The subject line is the other most important part of the email that the users or readers look at while opening a email. So make sure that you have a good and a interesting subject line while sending an email as it is the subject line that makes your readers move ahead and decide whether to read the mail or not.
  • The subject line of your email is misleading: Make sure that the mail you send does not mislead your customers through the information that you have given. Tell them what the mail is all about and what is that they can find inside the mail for eg it could be the offers, news, information about your products or something that they needed and required from you. If you do not lead up to the expectations of your clients then the readers would just prefer avoiding you.

  • To much off content stuffed in the email: Every marketer would wish that they send each and every information to their clients so that they could understand and know what the products is all about. So make sure that you provide your readers with some great content. In other words make your email marketing campaign that is short , simple, and something that is easily understood by your customers.
  • Speaking to the wrong market audience: People take action on the content that is found relevant to them, in other words something that is found interesting them and something that gives them with what they need. To make your copy better its always better that you put your self in the readers shoes and see does your copy keep up to your readers expectations.
    Even an announcement should be told in such a way that it shows the readers what benefits they could gain from them.
  • Not Proof Reading Your Work: People do tend to do mistakes while they are sending emails to their clients and customers. So make sure that you check the spelling mistakes and proof read each and every thing before you send it to your clients. Some do not check the mistakes that is made in their copy and they send it off to their readers.
In case the email addresses being missed email appending services would be of a great help. Email appending would helping you gain the exact email addresses of all the individuals that were missing in the database. These were some of the copy write mistakes that most of the marketers do while dealing with the concept of email marketing. So what are the copy mistakes that you have noticed in the concept of email marketing. Do Share your views with us.