Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Face Book Social Marketing Tips For 2013

Social Networking sites seem to be the most important tool of all the businesses today though some were started as a personal networking site and some as a normal social networking site. Sites like My Space and Friendster was started in the 2002 and 2003 but did not gain much popularity as Facebook. Facebook was started in 2004 a year after the social networking sites but gained huge popularity in a very less time. Followed by this twitter was born two years later in 2006 which was again followed by pinterest in 2010 and is known to be the fastest growing site. Be it Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn all these social networking sites have become the most powerful sites in when compared to the social media marketing process. And as things develop and change many challenges come across in life helping you grow and expand in all the best ways you can. Keeping these things in mind given below are the social media marketing tips for a better 2013.
  • Your post should be relevant to your readers: Its obvious that when some one begins using social networking sites for the first time they usually make a post that is personally related to their life. Social networking sites have developed and changed with time so make sure that you bring out a post with information that is relevant to your readers and is not something that talks about you. The best example for this could be some solutions, interesting facts, or post that could be useful to the readers.
  • Make use of the tools the social networking sites provide you: Social networking sites with all the tools that it has created have made the businesses grow and gain popularity with a shorter period of time. Make use of all the tools and learn to use them in all the best ways to gain some benefit through your fans and business you are dealing with.
  • Have some events held: Through the social networking sites hold events like conferences, seminars, give a ways, chats and other things that could make it for your readers to understand the business in a better manner. Recently Facebook has come up with a event feature making it even more easier and efficient.

  • Develop Connections with your readers and not with sales: Marketing done through social networking sites is said to be successful only when you develop and maintain a stronger relationship with your readers than the sales. To do this even more better respond to each and every comment made by your readers giving them a clear idea of what your business is actually all about. Make sure that you provide your readers with some solutions than pitching them with some things that they dont understand.
  • Make use of Google analytics: Google analytics will help you focus on things that have worked out for your business including the ones that did not work out in the previous years. Not just this you would also know how many people are visiting more than one social networking sites, when is that they are making a visit to your page and many more. Through analytics you as a marketer could learn a lot from analytics gaining huge benefits in all the best ways you can.
Social media as an important tool of marketing can is expected to change even more giving benefits to the readers. As a marketer make sure you are active on social media getting involved in activities in all the best ways you can. These were some of the social marketing tips. What are yours. Share your thoughts below by leaving some comments to the post. 

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