Wednesday, 1 March 2017

How To Write Irresistible Emails To Your Subscribers?

It's a must for you to create quality, great content and then convert it with the help of hard- earned traffic into mail subscribers. It's essential for you to convert your visitors to subscribe to your mails as it's 40 times a lot more effective to send out mails than upload the same content on social media websites, for instance. Obviously, things don't end here. You need to cultivate this relationship, like any other and provide them with just what they need. 

Now, here's a question that crops up- how to make mails irresistible for your subscribers? It depends upon your business mostly. However, around 15-20% mail are opened each day, on a regular basis. 

Set the stage- post sign-up

Every subscriber has some intention in mind, right? Now, it's job to hit right in the nail and make sure you keep your subscriber well- engaged at all times.

1. The most common yet, the hardest part- start with an enticing subject line.

It always starts with writing a great subject line. 
There are several tactics you can follow, though: 
Make use of specific, easy to read numbers or numbers which are intriguing too
Induce curiosity- it's one of the most powerful tools one can make use of. Make sure your reader gnaws over it until he finds it!
Keep your subject line so very short. This shall make sure that :
-Your subject line will be read without getting cut off
-They're clear and induce great amount of curiosity
-They're short and sweet!
Try testing different subject lines. One way is to send out the same mail to different groups with different subject lines

2. Make it valuable

Pitching is the core of email marketing, true. But, guess what, it'll shoo your subscribers away from you! STOP talking about your brand and your products in each mail you send. Add value to their lives, don't deliver your offer to them in the first mail itself!
It's like love, it takes time to be disclosed, to make the other one feel it's need. Make them trust you and then, go for it!

3. Personalize your emails- be friends with your subscribers

How can you do that?

Share your personal stories which may interest them- Not only will you be able to let them know that you're human but, they'll fall for you and trust you. Personal stories also add value to each subscriber
Talk to one person at a time- Sending out personal emails are like just talking to him/ her and not to 10,000 people you're sending out the same email and customizing it by just changing the name! Use words like 'U' and 'I', be informal or semi- formal with your readers! Trust me, it's fun for you to draft it and for them to read it too!

However, don't rush into it- Relationships, as we all know take a long long time to be developed. Take one step at a time like a child and your subscribers will definitely hang around!

4. Create cliffhangers!

It's like TV, each episode has it's mystery, it's suspense and it kills you! You cannot wait to watch it. Why not create the same level of curiosity in your emails? Send it on an episode basis if you cannot think of anything unique, that's okay! Tease them, here and there. Then, bombard them with the END!

5. Draft two- sided emails

Think about yourself- would you like to know just one side of any coin? You obviously want to know the pros and cons of each product. Don't make your readers feel that you are afraid to answer them or, don't give them the most expected, obvious answers. Also, don't come up with insignificant or questions which are totally unimportant! However, when you mention any negative aspect, make sure you cover it up- remember, negative always over-powers the positive. We don't want that, do we?

6. Bigger definitely ain't better!

Remember, if you write too much, you better make it worth the readers' time! Lengthy mails equal to terrible attention span. Try keeping your mails precise and sweet and above all, fun!

7. The aesthetic finishes

Make your emails readable. Don't complicate your emails much by adding images and text over it- it can lead to missing out on information and probably closing of mail due to high load time. 

  • You must follow the following practices while making your emails lovely ones:
  • If you add images, you can add images between 300-500 pixels
  • Also, dark text and light backgrounds are okay to use
  • Use bigger font sizes for links
  • Bold the links

Make sure links are added on separate lines

In the end, it's all about being consistent, if you are a good email marketer. You cannot break your subscribers' trust by making them feel like they're taken for granted. Also, make sure you follow these guidelines if you want to ace all your email campaigns. 

However, make sure you have a great database, with quality subscribers. Else, go for email appending. Email appending shall help you send out mails to the right audience, the audience who's interested in your products!


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